Engagement Setup and Shop

Engagement and Shop System Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Setting Up the Engagement System

  3. Managing the Engagement System

  4. Setting Up the Shop

  5. Managing Shop Items

  6. User Interactions with the Shop

  7. Admin Shop Management

  8. Best Practices and Tips


This guide will walk you through setting up and managing the engagement system and shop functionality for your Discord server. These features allow you to reward active users with points and provide a shop where users can spend their earned points on various items or perks.

Setting Up the Engagement System

To start the engagement system for your server, use the following command:


This command has several options:

  • message-channel: Select a channel to track for engagement (required)

  • message-bonus: Set a percentage bonus for messages in this channel

  • notification-channel: Choose a channel for level-up notifications

  • base-required-xp: Set the base XP required for leveling up (default is 60)

  • points-name: Choose a name for your points currency (e.g., coins, gems)

  • points-per-xp: Set how many points users earn per XP

  • shop-enabled: Enable or disable the shop feature

Example usage:

/engagement-setup message-channel:#general message-bonus:10 notification-channel:#level-ups base-required-xp:100 points-name:coins points-per-xp:0.5 shop-enabled:true

Managing the Engagement System

Use the following commands to manage the engagement system:

  1. Give XP to a user:

    /engagement give-xp user:@username amount:100
  2. Remove XP from a user:

    /engagement remove-xp user:@username amount:50
  3. View the server leaderboard:

    /engagement leaderboard size:10
  4. View users at a specific level:

    /engagement user-by-level level:5 size:10
  5. View a user's points:

    /engagement view-points user:@username

Setting Up the Shop

The shop is enabled during the engagement setup. If you need to modify shop settings, you can run the /engagement-setup command again with updated parameters.

Managing Shop Items

Use the /shop-manage command to add, remove, or view shop items:

  1. Add a new item:

    /shop-manage add-item name:"VIP Role" description:"Exclusive VIP role for 1 week" cost:1000 quantity:10 reward-type:role role-reward:@VIP

    For custom rewards:

    /shop-manage add-item name:"Custom Avatar" description:"Get a custom avatar designed for you" cost:5000 quantity:-1 reward-type:custom custom-reward:"DM an admin to claim your custom avatar design"
  2. Remove an item:

    /shop-manage remove-item item-id:1234567890
  3. View all shop items:

    /shop-manage view-shop

User Interactions with the Shop

Users can interact with the shop using the /shop command. This will display available items, allow them to view item details, make purchases, and check their purchase history.

Admin Shop Management

As an admin, you have access to additional shop management features:

  1. View recent purchases:

    /shop-admin recent-purchases limit:20
  2. View purchases with custom rewards that need handling:

    /shop-admin custom-rewards
  3. Generate a report for a specific item:

    /shop-admin item-report item-id:1234567890

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Start with a lower points-per-xp ratio and adjust as needed to balance your economy.

  2. Regularly review the leaderboard and user engagement to ensure the system is working as intended.

  3. Create a mix of role-based and custom rewards in your shop to cater to different user preferences.

  4. Use the custom rewards feature for special, manually-fulfilled items to add unique value to your shop.

  5. Periodically review shop items and their prices to maintain balance and user interest.

  6. Communicate clearly with your community about how the engagement system and shop work.

  7. Consider creating special events or promotions to boost engagement and shop activity.

Remember, you can always adjust settings by running the setup commands again with new parameters. Experiment to find what works best for your community!

Last updated